Apologies, it's been a few days since my last post. Actually, it's been more like a week or so, but I've been distracted with real life things. I teach college English in my free time..."free time", and I find it more to be like 25 man raiding than actual teaching. You know, I hold their hand, tell them to show up to class on time, watch them not come prepared with the proper materials, have them stare blankly at me as I try to describe how an assignment is going to work...Yeah, just like those 25 man raids.
But I digress, my raid week has been over since oh...Thursday night or so. I don't count those Saturday 25 man things as raids because, well, I don't really try anymore. I just sort of show up and spin in a circle a few times while waving an axe around. I'm like that fifth-year senior in high school that you knew as a sophomore. I'm cool because I can buy cigarettes, but you dare not talk to me for fear of not being cool enough.
So, with the raid week over, or at least with it having been over, it gives me plenty of time to dink around with various aspects of PvP...namely finding new ways to completely demoralize people in Arathi Basin.
Crush of the week goes to Jax of the server Cenarius. Pro tip: if you're going to jump off of the road down to try and capture the mine in Arathi Basin, make sure you have a parachute cloak, or at least some way to heal yourself once you land in a rather quick fashion. While I don't know how much health you had when you did land, my Boba Fett wrist rockets + Berserking + Avenging Wrath were clearly enough to do you in with an 8.3k shot. Bottom line: it was my mine. You jumping off the cliff just saved me from having to close to melee range to finish the job. Make sure you always bring a gun to a Mexican knife fight.
Arathi Basin aside, I've been dabbling with the whole arena thing. Now, my teams aren't amazing, our comps are pretty much terrible. Retribution/Holy/Feral isn't exactly a game-breaking comp, but we're getting better. This last week we decided to switch it up a little bit so I delved deep into the protection tree while wearing full retribution PvP arena gear. Suffice it to say, I don't die all that often, but I just don't hit as hard as I used to...which is expected. I think it might work out in the long run, but we just need to work better at getting our communication down. Having that ranged silence in the form of Avenger's Shield is a really neat trick, and I get to scream "CAPTAIN AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!" on ventrilo and have it mean something for once. The SoC stack ticks are pretty sweet in terms of stopping rogues and mages from scampering off. I think so far I've killed at least four things while they're stealthed because of it. I call it my holy bleed effect. The Hand of Reckoning is decent, nice for popping multiple melee teams that try to clump us all together and Bladestorm us down. Remember kids, Bladestorm takes skill, no matter what everyone else tells you. I'll admit, though, I've had the most fun with Shield of Righteousness. Nothing makes me giggle more than hammering off a 5k shield slam on some bouncing rogue just to put them in their place.
I'll see how it pans out after some more matches tonight, see if I can give you a full run down on it. My sources say that at 2k+ this is the way to go, but at the moment, I don't think our comp has the necessary Mortal Strike effect to force healers dry. Damnable double healer teams.
Hello world!
3 years ago
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